Workplace Consulting

Workplace Consulting
Culture Transformation + Conflict Resolution + Succession Planning
Liz Ashley coaching

Conflict Resolution + Culture Transformation

The difference between a good and a great team often boils down to synergy. When teams have it, productivity soars. When they don’t, an unnecessary struggle can stand in the way of success. 

At Align, we’re skilled at guiding organizations through conflict resolution complexities and culture transformation by helping team members better understand their behavior and communication styles and how to engage more productively with opposing techniques. 

We use The Align Method to facilitate discussions, generate a team vision, and align members to a productive set of strategies. We support leaders and teams through the implementation process with coaching and training, then measure progress and communicate necessary adjustments.

When productive conflict leads to a shared commitment to achieving results, a best-in-class culture emerges.

Action + Succession Planning

Action planning drives progress by establishing a forward-focused direction, uniting an organization around a cooperative vision, goals, and priorities. 

To help companies scale, we partner with leaders and teams to formulate plans that align People + Vision + Strategies to kickstart growth and create lasting value for everyone involved. We incorporate project management, team training, and professional coaching to ensure implementation is not only smooth but sparks fresh momentum.

When growth involves a change in leadership, we deploy The Align Method to unwrap strengths and weaknesses and connect past successes to future ambitions. Through guided listening sessions, goal-setting, and refined communication tactics, we help organizations transition from one chapter to the next with newfound confidence and clarity.

When your Strategy + People align, positive results follow. 

Consulting Packages + Options

Preliminary Alignment

Two-day leadership offsite to initiate goal-setting, strategy development, and implementation.

Sustained Alignment

Six to twelve-month engagement using the Align Method and consistent training sessions to implement initiatives, measure results, and review progress.

Let's align your Strategies + Results.

Our Other Services

  • Team Training

    • Workplace Dynamics
    • Management Development
    • Team Cohesiveness
    • Leadership Development
    Team Training
    woman leading a group
  • Professional Coaching

    • Executives
    • Emerging Leaders
    • Entrepreneurs
    Professional Coaching Icon
    Liz Ashley and a client discuss Align Behaviors.
  • Offsites

    • Strategic Planning
    • Team Cohesiveness
    • Mindful Leadership
    Offsites Icon
    People participate in yoga at the beach